A downloadable game for Windows

This Simulator offers an immersive experience where the player can take control of a detailed 3D helicopter navigating through a dynamic cityscape. This project integrates analog controls for power, pitch, roll, and heading, providing a realistic flight experience. The simulator utilizes custom 3D models exported from Blender and a robust scene manager to orchestrate seamless interaction within the virtual environment.

Helicopter Simulation game controller keys

- RT: long press on this key to land the helicopter

- Left Thumbstick: Control helicopter's movement along the X & Y axes. Pushing the thumbstick forward/backward controls pitch (nose up/down), and moving it left/right controls roll (tilting left/right).

- Right Thumbstick: Control the helicopter's orientation and camera view

Published 9 days ago
Tags3D, Animation


heli-exe.zip 39 MB

Install instructions

How to run the application:

- Extract "heli-exe folder"

- Double click on "Blit3D" executable application to launch it

NB: Make sure that a game controller is connected because the simulation will not launch until a game controller is successfully connected to PC

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